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Employee Induction Documents


Employee Induction
Related to Educator and School Employee Conduct

The following laws, statutes and policies must be carefully reviewed by all potential and current employees: after reviewing all corresponding links (in blue), please sign and submit certification documents (in red) to the administration office.

When considering the care of our students we hold tremendous responsibility in the area of child abuse. You must recognize that as a school employee you are considered a "Mandated Reporter". This means that you must report it if you suspect that a child is being abused by anyone! The PA Code carefully outlines the following:
23 Pa Code Section 6311 - Persons required to report suspected child abuse
23 Pa Code Section 6313 - Reporting Procedure
As well as clearly explaining the penalty for failing to report the suspected abuse in 23 Pa Code Section 6319 - Penalties for failure to report or to refer.
In addition, Pa Law clearly articulates the procedures and consequences of student abuse by a school employee. This law should be read completly by clicking the following link. Abuse of Students by School Employee. The district's response to this Statute is found in Policy 806 Child Abuse as related to the district's process and requirements to prevent and report student/child abuse. You will certify below that you have completely read and understood these two items. It is your responsibility to notify the District's Superintendent If you have any questions or need assistance with understanding any of this information. Recognize that the immediate penalty for suspected abuse of a student by a school employee will be an immediate suspension and termination following an investigation.
In all cases it is clearly our duty to protect the welfare of all children! Review 18 Pa Code Section 4304 - Endangering welfare of children

The following additional district policies should be reviewed annually, by August 31of each year, by district employees.

Related to the district's expectations for your conduct while employed with the District.
Policy 317 Conduct/Disciplinary Procedures - Related to the district's expectations for your conduct while employed with the district.
Policy 340 Responsibility for Student Welfare  Related to your responsibilities to provide consistent high level care to all of our students.
Policy 351 Drug and Substance Abuse  - Related to the restriction of drug use while employed by the District.
 All Employees
Employee Induction Certification  - Print and sign  Employee Induction.pdf
AUP Agreement - Print and Sign  AUP Agreement.pdf 
Conflict of Interest - Conflict of Interest Policy  - Print and Sign Conflict of Interest Agreement 
Educators Only 
Teacher Code of Conduct - Print and sign Employee Code of Conduct.pdf