Exit Criteria and Post Exit Monitoring
PA Exit Criteria and Post Exit Monitoring
Exit Criteria
Pennsylvania law requires English Learners to meet the following criteria to exit the English Language Development program:
- For Kindergarten students- overall composite proficiency level score of 5.0 on the ACCESS for ELLs Kindergarten assessment (accountability score).
- For grades 1-12 students-overall composite proficiency level score of 5.0 on the ACCESS 2.0 (Tier C) Grades 1-12 assessment.
- Completed Reclassification form indicating use of academic English is at or above native peer level in the four language domains (Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing).
- English Learners will continue to be monitored by the ELD teacher for a period of 2 years after they exit the ELD program.
Exit Monitoring
- MASD will actively monitor the progress of Former English Learners (FELs) for two years after Reclassification to ensure that they are continuing to make progress and are successful without encountering difficulty as a result of their English language skills.
Tools and Resources for Monitoring and Exiting English Learners from EL Programs
PDE State Required Re-classification, Monitoring, and Re-Designation of English Learners