Gifted Education Terms
Gifted Education Terms
Chapter 14: Regulations and rules regarding students with disabilities in the state of Pennsylvania.
Chapter 16: Regulations and rules regarding gifted students in the state of Pennsylvania.
Gifted Student: A student who is exceptional under section 1371 of the PA School Code because the student meets the definition of "mentally gifted" and needs specially designed instruction beyond that required in Chapter 4.
Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation (GMDE): A systematic process of testing, assessment, other evaluative processes, and information that describes a student's academic functioning, learning strengths, learning problems, and educational needs and used by the GIEP team to make a determination about whether or not a student is gifted and needs specially designed instruction.
Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP): The plan written by the GIEP team that specifically desribes the education to be provided by the gifted student.
Gifted Written Report (GWR): A written report that brings together the information and findings from the evaluation concerning the student's educational needs and strengths.
Gifted Multidisciplinary Team (GMDT): A team of educators, other professional individuals, and the child's parents that reviews all formal testing of a child and all other evaluation material. The GMDT must issue a report recommending whether the child is gifted and make suggestions about the programs and services needed.